Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Infidelity: Signs and Ways to find out.

Eyebags is taking a lil break for now so it's just me (Freckles), on my own for the time being.
PS: I miss you Eyebags!

Met up with Acne, a member of the blackhead gang, and she was sharing with me her relationship problems.

So, here comes today's topic:
How do you find out if your partner has someone, other than you?

My Proposed Ways and Signs:

1) Buy her some flowers, it doesn't have to be roses, it could be carnations or chrysanthemums (IM SO KIDDING!)

Make arrangements for it to be delivered to her workplace at a particular time, but make sure that there is no name on the card accompanying the flowers so that she has no clue who she's getting the flowers from.

At the designated time, if there is no news from her. It is very likely.

And if she comes home without it and she doesn't mention a single thing about the flowers, you can start tearing the house down!

2) Note the changes in attitude. If they suddenly become more defensive about small issues and gets angered very easily, it could be due to the guilt thats eating them inside out.

If they do get violent with you after sometime, just flee for your life. Don't end up like Rihanna (I'm not saying he cheated but he got violent you know..)

If they seem to feel that you're accusing all the time, gets irritable and avoids answering, and behaves in an out-of-character manner, you should prepare a parang/chopper in the house anytime for the massacre.

PS: Please spare the dog/cat/bunny/pets.

They're innocent.

3) Note the mileage on their vehicle, and their credit card bills. If there is a sudden increase in travelling and expenditure, it could be due to the desperate attempts to woo another someone, or even... romantic car rides.

4) Unaccounted for Absences
When he/she suddenly goes mia for long periods of time, unlike when you first started.

5) The Worst of the Worst:
He/She starts to avoid/lose interest in sexual intimacy with you.

This could possibly be the saddest thing that could ever happen.

Examples of Celebrity Infidelity:

Usher and Chili


Well, my take on this.
If your partner is REALLY cheating on you:

I don't think you should give it another shot.

Cos a leopard never changes its spots, trust me on that.

But in any case, if you decide to work things out together. Then what i would suggest is that you HAVE to forgive and stop bringing up the cheating matter.

Stop brooding, stop dwelling, stop harping.

Afterall, the whole purpose of staying together after a cheating issue is to rekindle and rebuild the relationship. and not to keep living in the past. You'll have to constantly remind yourself that trust is a very sensitive thing and it takes alot of time and patience to build it back once its lost.

Freckles sounds lk a relationship guru.